Holiday Illness Claims

Holiday Illness Claims

Holidays should not be remembered for the pain and suffering they’ve caused but if you have experienced illness on holiday through no fault of your own, you’re unlikely to have good memories. Holiday illnesses are usually due to food poisoning or other gastric issues and these often come about due to the lack of cleanliness or unsanitary conditions at the chosen hotel or accommodation you are provided.

Suffering holiday sickness or food poisoning whilst abroad can be a terrifying experience. Even when it isn’t serious it can ruin your holiday. If you have booked a holiday with UK tour operator and have suffered food poisoning or other illness due to the conditions at the holiday resort or hotel, you may be able to make a claim of holiday illness compensation.

Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992

The Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992 state that a “package” is defined as ‘the pre-arranged combination of at least two of the following components when sold or offered for sale at an inclusive price and when the service covers a period of more than twenty-four hours or includes overnight accommodation.’ This applies to a wide range of holidays bought in the UK and means there are many people out there with the potential to claim for illness on a package holiday.

Food poisoning outbreaks usually take place in resorts, hotels and areas where there are poor levels of hygiene and sanitation. When food areas aren’t kept safe and when water isn’t kept clean, there is the risk of any number of gastric illnesses. Sanitation problems can relate to food and drinking water but they can also relate to bathing and pool water too.2

In most cases food poisoning is not life threatening, it is very unpleasant and can ruin a holiday, but you recover fully. However, for vulnerable groups in society such as young children, the elderly, pregnant and those with weakened immune systems it can be hugely dangerous. The high risk of complications in any of these instances can even me life-threatening so a holiday illness isn’t something anyone should take lightly.

A holiday sickness claim can include many different parts to the potential compensation paid out. A claim may include:

  • Damages for the injury/illness
  • Costs for any missed flights or transport connections
  • Costs for any medical treatment
  • Loss of earnings
  • Costs for care

Claiming Holiday Illness Compensation

Lamb & Co is a professional injury solicitors company with the experience and knowledge to handle holiday illness claims of many different sizes and types. We appreciate that your memories of your holiday should be positive and when they can’t be, you deserve to be recompensed. Our team are experienced in handling many different types of personal injury claim and can competently manage holiday illness claims.

If you have a valid claim for holiday illness compensation you will be appointed one of our experienced and considerate solicitors. Your solicitor will work tirelessly on your behalf to ensure all evidence is gathered to support your case and will present it clearly to the UK-based operator responsible for your illness or injury.

We are committed and guarantee that successful claimants will get the maximum compensation payable for their holiday illness case. It is very unlikely that your case will be unsuccessful but if this does happen, you are covered by our ‘no win no fee’ arrangement and will not have to pay for your legal costs.

Holiday illness compensation provides some measure of comfort and support after the suffering and discomfort of a holiday illness. Lamb & Co is committed to fairly representing all of our clients and fighting for their compensation.