Quick Guide for Enjoying Brazil on Your First Trip Plus a Little Portuguese the Easy Way

Quick Guide for Enjoying Brazil on Your First Trip Plus a Little Portuguese the Easy Way

Exploring the beaches and cities of Brazil was absolutely wonderful and I highly recommend the adventure. For my preparation, I learned a few Portuguese words and phrases and read several books on traveling to this amazing country. When I stepped out of the resort I discovered my studies had fallen woefully short for the reality I found.


Brazil for me was more like visiting another planet, not country. It was extremely beautiful, exciting, fun, surprising and full of friendly people, but I also found it strange, complicated, dirty and even a little scary at times. Most fears could have been avoided if I had only known a little more. Our book “Gringo in Brazil- Quick guide for enjoying Brazil on Your First Trip Plus a Little Portuguese the Easy Way” the will improve your comfort and confidence from day 1 until the end of your fantastic trip. Our tips and experiences will help you know what to expect and not and most importantly how to stay safe and have a marvelous time on your very first trip to Brazil. Plan enough time to enjoy several of their beaches and the crystal clear ocean.